In a groundbreaking move, NASCAR has announced the launch of an all-electric racing series, set to debut in the 2026 season. The new series, dubbed the “NASCAR Electric Series,” will feature high-performance, battery-powered cars competing on a mix of oval and road courses.
The NASCAR Electric Series is part of the organization’s broader effort to reduce its environmental footprint and promote sustainability in motorsports. “We’re excited to take this significant step towards a more sustainable future for NASCAR,” said Steve Phelps, NASCAR President. “Our fans are eager for innovation, and we’re committed to delivering it.”
The electric cars, designed in collaboration with leading automotive manufacturers, will boast impressive performance specs, including 0-60 mph acceleration in under 3 seconds and top speeds exceeding 200 mph. The vehicles will be powered by advanced lithium-ion batteries, ensuring a reliable and efficient source of energy.
NASCAR has partnered with several prominent companies, including General Motors, Ford Motor Company, and Toyota, to develop the electric cars and supporting technology. The series will also feature a unique charging system, allowing cars to rapidly recharge between sessions.
The NASCAR Electric Series will comprise 10 events, with the inaugural race scheduled to take place at the iconic Daytona International Speedway in February 2026. The series will feature a mix of established NASCAR drivers and newcomers from various motorsport disciplines.
To ensure a level playing field, NASCAR has established a comprehensive set of technical regulations for the electric cars. The rules will govern aspects such as battery capacity, motor output, and chassis design, ensuring that all competitors have an equal chance of success.
As part of its commitment to sustainability, NASCAR will also introduce a range of environmentally friendly initiatives, including the use of renewable energy sources, reduced waste, and eco-friendly track maintenance practices.
The NASCAR Electric Series is expected to attract a new and diverse audience, including fans of electric vehicles and sustainable technologies. “We’re thrilled to bring this exciting new series to our fans,” said Phelps. “It’s a bold step into the future, and we’re confident it will be a huge success.”
With the NASCAR Electric Series, the organization is poised to take a leadership role in the development of sustainable motorsports, while continuing to deliver the high-speed action and excitement that fans have come to expect from NASCAR.